Hi! If you're reading this, then you likely want to know who I am and why I'm so obsessed with books. So read ahead, and judge for yourself:
I'm Taylor, and I confess to being a book addict. Though I feel like I'm a little young to have an addiction, it's an addiction I'm not willing to give up. Ever. I was born in '96, and I reside in the lovely city of Chicago. When I'm not reading or blogging, I'm usually wishing I was doing those things. :) No, but when I'm not indulging myself with a great book, I'm either working on a web design project (I'm an unabashed newbie) or trying to discover the many unorthodox aspects of Chicago with my equally unorthodox group of friends. (Whom I love dearly :D )
My love for music is almost as consuming as my love for books. Hearing a new song and loving it is something that makes everything worth anything. If you find me without my earbuds in, with my music as loud as it can go, and me just ignoring the world, you are a lucky person. I'm one of those people that frustrate others when they ask something as simple as "What kind of music do you listen to?". I usually just stare back, horrified, and say something like "You limit yourself to only one kind of musical genre?" Okay, I actually don't say that, but I think it.
I just digressed a little. A lot, actually. If you got tired of me rambling, and want me to get to the point, here it is: I’m a part-time student, part-time book fanatic. Somehow, I still manage to squeeze both necessities into my life without going insane. My tastes mostly lie in Paranormal Romance and Urban Fantasy, but they don’t stop there. While those are my go-to genres, I tend to read everything ranging from: Fantasy to New Adult to Sci-Fi to Romance to YA.
It wasn’t until recently that I realized that I’m not alone in my obsession with books, and when it finally clicked for me, I decided to take it to the Internet with my blog. It’s here that I express my opinions on books I’ve loved and fawned over, as well as interact with others who share my opinions and even those who don’t. And while blogging definitely is a new experience for me, I plan on making up for it with my utter delight for diving headfirst into new books.