Aug 31, 2013

I'm Back In School...Yay?

So little ol' lucky me started school again on August 26th. And just like I thought, it's a lot to take in. My senior year. The brink of freedom. I've only been back for a week, but I can tell it's going to be crappy crazy otherbadwordsthatstartwitha'c' tough. Anyway, I planned for this post to be a short apology for my abrupt hiatus from this blog as I adjusted to going back. And I didn't want to complain at all. But now I just want to type everything I'm feeling right now, everything that's going on in my head.

To start, I want to say that the first day of school was a wake up call of the ice-water-to-the-face, slap-my-cheek-and-call-me-a-pancake variety. And I found myself wishing I'd made some different decisions last school year.

Maybe I'm getting ahead of myself, so I'll try to back-track. Last year, I met with my counselor and we picked my senior year classes together. I was confident I'd be able to handle three AP (advanced placement, if anyone needs a reminder) courses. AP Psychology. AP Human Geography. AP English Literature & Composition. (I've always been an English junkee.) I knew my work was cut out for me, since I'd had a bit of trouble just juggling my one AP English Language & Composition course during my junior year. But I'd heard great things about Psych and Human Geo, so I thought I'd be fine. Well, mostly fine.

And then the first day comes, and right around the time where this is happening...
...I remember something very important.

Well, I remember something other than:
Not only had I signed on for three AP courses, I'd also agreed to two IB (International Baccalaureate, which is similar to AP in that it's pretty intense) courses. So, my schedule consists of 5 out of 7 classes that will be extremely challenging. The thing is, it's senior year. As much as I'm all for learning at a higher level, I don't foresee much sleep in my future. But I do foresee a lot of stress.

That's where the problem lies. I love sleep and I hate stress. So what's a book-loving, music-addicted, not-so-social-but-not-a-hermit seventeen-year-old to do? Why, blog about it, of course!

If you're wondering why I even bothered to mention the difficulties of my classes this year here's why: I won't have too much time for blogging. Or reading. Everything will be slowed down, but not stopped altogether. The 'Waiting on Wednesdays' and 'Teaser Tuesdays' will still be around, but only sparingly. My 'Stacking the Shelves' posts will also be less frequent. At this point, the only things I can see myself doing consistently are reading the most-anticipated books on my TBR list and reviewing those.

This isn't set in stone, of course. Don't expect to not hear from me for a month with no notice or something. Maybe I'll have free time and blog for a week straight, everyday. I don't know. Anything can happen at this point. Just stick with me, guys.

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